My baby is three . . .

My sweet little guy,

I put you to bed tonight for the last time as a two year old and I have to say I have such mixed emotions about it. You are more little boy than baby these days and for this reason I am sad – gone are the days of rocking my little baby to sleep at night. Now it is “I pick a book” or “mama read a book” – you speak in full sentences now and it just amazes me that this time last year you only had a few words. While I am sad that the baby days are gone and you seem to have grown up before my eyes, it is so much fun watching your little personality develop. You are a GOOD boy – we have truly been blessed with an easy going, well mannered little boy. Nearly every transition has been far easier than I thought it would be (although we have not tackled potty training yet!) and you seem to have missed the terrible twos for the most part. People constantly comment to me when we are out how well behaved you are. You are caring and thoughtful and will always stop what you are doing to give mama some snuggles or kisses when I ask, and sometimes when I don’t. You continue to sleep 10-12 hours a night in your crib and will wake up and play until we come get you.  I love listening to you sing and make up stories on the monitor – cutest thing ever.  You still nap a couple hours most afternoons as well.  You are obsessed with dinosaurs, pirates, Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, trains and cars and much to your dada’s delight are starting to show an interest in superheros. You have mastered puzzles on the “hi-pad” and are super smart. You know your colors, some shapes, your numbers up to 10, can almost recite the alphabet and sing quite a few complete songs all the time including Twinkle Twinkle, Hickory Dickory Dock, Row Row Row Your Boat and Baa Baa Blacksheep among others. You love going to school and playing with your friends, especially Kai. You have been taking swimming lessons the last few months and while it was a rocky start, you seem to have found your sea legs and are doing much better now!

You absolutely love your grandparents – you ask daily to go to papa and grandmas house and are thrilled that your “weeta” has just arrived back in town – you guys picked up right where you left off last summer. You and your Uncle Josh are the best of pals and spend lots of time playing basketball, water table and video games. You love Sunday dinner with Grandma Paula, Uncle Stanley, Uncle William and the girls – so many people to play with!

These last few years have been the best of my life – being your mama is the best job I could have ever imagined having. I can’t wait to see what this year holds. Happy Birthday baby boy – mama and dada love you so much <3

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